Our Blog
Guide us O God, to be the best we can be: In every thought, in every word and in every deed.
Our work supporting refugees in our local community continues- thank you everyone for your THANKFUL THURSDAY donations.
If you would like to help the NHS fund raise even more - how about joining the for the Big Climb...
Today we celebrated National superhero day - see the links at the side for the fab photo gallery!
Look who came first in the cross country races yesterday - a very mucky group of runners!!!
World Book Day
This year, our whole school theme was that of sustainability; children were not allowed to come to school in new clothes! Everything we wore today had to be old, reused, recycled, handmade or shared! And what a fabulous effort our school community made. Thank you to everyone who helped make today so special. Keep an eye on the blog for more photographs to come.
Little readers helping big readers!
Free coaching courses for your children - see details below!
Success! High flyers, Faith in action and Sports star's - well done everyone!
Out of this World!
After planning, designing and making their own moon buggies, Wren's class took a quick trip to the moon today!
Fabulous mini skills from our Robins' class yesterday, not only were they exemplary school ambassadors, but they only went and won!!!