The Governing Body
Guide us O God to be the best we can be; in every thought, in every word and every deed
Please find below details of how our Governing Body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
The governing body ensures that the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school are clearly defined and that the school uses resources effectively to provide a learning environment which enables high standards of achievement. Whilst the Head Teacher is responsible for the day to day running of the school, the governing body works with her to ensure that the school enables all members of the school community to be the best people they can be.
The governing body works in close partnership with the Head Teacher, the Diocese and the Local Authority. Each member of the board brings personal skills and qualities that enable them to act in the best interest of the school and the well-being of individuals associated with it. In summary we are here to support, challenge and to be a critical friend to the school.
The full governing body meets each term, with various committees also meeting regularly to monitor all aspects of the school. Colleagues take on responsibility for specific features of school life and several are frequent visitors to school. It is a commitment that cannot be taken lightly, but it is also one which brings fulfilment.
Our Structure
The Governing Body comprises of 14 Governors, including parents, school staff and volunteers from the local community. The Full Governing Body meetings are attended by all Governors and considers any strategic issues that affect more than one area of School Life, receive reports from the Head Teacher and its key Committees, and approves matters reserved for it.
Most of the work of the Governing Body is undertaken through its three key Committees and through targeted Governor visits. The three Committees are:
♦ Curriculum & Community
♦ Resources
♦ Standards & Effectiveness
The Committees
Curriculum and Community Committee
Our aim is to oversee the school's contribution to pupil well-being, including the extent to which pupils feel safe, are involved in the catholic life of the school, adopt healthy lifestyles and contribute to the school and wider community.
We will promote cohesion and gain a better understanding of the view of pupils, parents, the parish and others in the local community.
Resources Committee
The Resources Committee’s aim is to provide support and guidance for the Head Teacher on all matters relating to the financial running of the school, staffing, maintenance, security and enhancement of the school premises and health and safety matters. We will ensure a strategic approach to budget planning that reflects the schools' educational objectives as well as its vision and values.
Standards and Effectiveness Committee
Our aim is to support the Head and teachers in delivering inspirational teaching that ensures that each child fulfils their true potential. We will do this by: careful consideration of the curriculum and by upholding school initiatives that support the delivery of a broad and balanced curriculum; ensuring that the quality of learning and teaching is monitored and evaluated effectively and that staff are provided with outstanding development opportunities, the impact of which is monitored and evaluated; ensuring expectations of achievement and progress remain high for all pupils, especially those who are disadvantaged; monitoring progress and attainment against the school development plan and against the school’s vision, and ensuring that effective self-evaluation processes are in place.
Foundation Governor Recruitment - Becoming a Governor
Governors perform a vital role in our school and are highly valued by the school, the parish and the Diocese. They provide strategic support and oversight, as well as maintaining and developing the Catholic character and ethos of our schools.
If you feel you could support our schools as a governor, please contact the Diocese of Lancaster on 01524 841190 who will be able to talk you through the application process.
If you would like an informal chat with the Headteacher to discuss the prospect of becoming a governor, as well as an overview of the training and support that will be given, please contact the school.
Written Correspondence to Mrs A Swann, Chair of Governors, should be sent c/o St Mary & St Andrew's Catholic Primary School, Station Lane, Barton, Preston. PR3 5DY