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Faith in Action

Guide us O God to be the best we can be; in every thought, in every word and every deed.

To put Christ and the teachings of the Catholic Church at the centre of the educational enterprise is the key purpose of Catholic schools. In a Catholic school, the Church seeks to build the foundation our spiritual development, our learning and teaching, the formation of culture and our society in Christ.

The fullness of life is to be found when Christ is at the centre of our lives. The Church has therefore “ a special way the duty and the right of educating, for it has a divine mission of helping all to arrive at the fullness of Christian life” .  By placing Christ at the centre of all that they are and all that they do, Catholic schools have the potential to promote the “fullness of Christian life” through an “...educational philosophy in which faith, culture and life are brought into harmony.”  (Christ at the Centre, Bishop Marcus Stock).

We are proud to be a Catholic School that determinedly pursues the development of the whole child - inspired by the knowledge that we are all made in the image and likeness of Christ. On these webpages we aim to demonstrate how our Catholic Life and Mission drives everything we do.

Here is a picture of one of our pupils who, in September 2024, decided our brothers and sisters around the world needed a bit more help. She organised a fundraiser and completed a sponsored walk accompanied by her family. She raised a great amount of money for the cause and was delighted to meet one of our CAFOD volunteers who was so impressed with her efforts - so are we!


The sacraments of Holy Eucharist and confirmation 2024


Lent 2024

We are looking forward to walking together every Friday morning in Lent, come and join us in the rear playground at 8:15am.


Advent 2023

As we draw towards the birth of Christ, we prepare together through prayer and focusing our thoughts on what is important to us as an individual, a school community, a parish, a diocese, a nation and a global citizen. Whilst we ponder these thoughts we follow the actions and examples of others and consider how we can help our brothers and sisters around the world.

A CAFOD Advent calendar for your family - click here!

National Youth Sunday and the Feast of Christ the King November 2023

We celebrated mass today and it was beautiful. The children led all the reading and offertory, along with prayers and hymns. Thanks to all the families who supported us to day and attended church on the coldest Sunday of the year!


Catholic Social Teaching with Cafod

Great day at school today learning about the principles of CST - January 2023, what a good start to setting our goals for the new year!


St Bernadette's relics

How blessed we were to take some of our Y6 children to Lancaster Cathedral to visit the relics of St Bernadette. The children spent a great deal of time preparing for this special event both in school and at the education centre at the Cathedral.

We pray for the sick in our school family and place all our trust in the Immaculate Conception and St Berndatte:

O Mother of Jesus, and my Mother,

let me be with you, cling to you and love you with ever-increasing love.

I promise the honour, love and trust of a child.

Give me a mother’s protection, for I need your watchful care.

Help my mind be like yours, with the same desires,

so that my heart is filled with enthusiasm for the goodness of the Sacred Heart of your Divine Son, Jesus.

Instil in me a love, so that I will not be easily turned to selfishness.

Help me, dearest Mother, to have the virtues that God wants for me: to put others first, to work only for him, without fear of sacrifice.

I shall always rely on your help to be what Jesus wants me to be. I am his; I am yours, my good Mother!

Give me each day your holy and motherly blessing until my last evening on earth, when your Immaculate Heart will present me to the heart of Jesus in heaven, there to love and bless you and your divine Son for all eternity.


Synod 2021

As you may already know Pope Francis launched a 2-year worldwide Synod process on 10th October 2021 entitled: For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation and Mission.

He has invited everyone to take part in a dialogue of listening and speaking under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This begins at the local level in our parishes and diocese. Between now and 28th February we are inviting as many people as possible to engage with this process. The feedback will be submitted to the Bishop’s Conference of England and Wales on Palm Sunday and this will then contribute to a national report. Eventually this, in turn, will contribute to reports which will be sent to the Vatican in 2023. The Pope and Bishops of the world will then meet in Synod to discuss their findings. This whole process is teaching us how to be a ‘synodal’ Church, a Church which discerns the Holy Spirit’s voice in and through the People of God. Please do follow this link to contribute your welcome thoughts: